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Are you aware about ULIP Charges?

ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans) are investment cum insurance product. If you take any ULIP policy from any company, then you pay some premium every year. And out of your premium some amount is cut for allocation charges, administration charges, mortality charges, fund management charges and all such charges by any other name. While buying […]

Do I need Personal Accident Policy?

You must be living in a city, town, village etc., most probably you are salaried class and obviously must be travelling to and fro from home to office for months and years. The chances of natural death or getting hospitalized for some illness are far lower than the chances of meeting an accident these days. […]

Health Insurance for old age/Senior Citizens

Premium in Health Insurance is enhanced as per increase in your age, but, there’s something about the no. 45. Insurance Companies dislike this no. Most Insurers, including the ones ‘specialized’ in Health Insurance resist covering members above 45 years and ask for to undergo medical test. Remember, you need to somewhere take the responsibility of […]