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Funda of Savings?

I am sure most of us would have seen the movie “Delhi6”, a dialogue in the movie stays that “Hindustani bahut jasbadi hoten hain”(Indians’ are very emotional people), why not ,we are Emotional people as this is the only country in the world where one hand feeds many mouths. From ages our forefathers have asked […]

Don’t buy Life Insurance, Buy adequate Cover!

‘Tax Savings’ always propel most investors to take arbitrary life insurance products. Most of us have taken several life insurance policies without understanding their complete utility. As per my understanding and experience with so many investors over the years, the top reason for taking policies is just for ‘Tax saving’. For most people, saving tax […]

Are you victim of procrastination?

Most of the people don’t find the time for their personal finance. Surprisingly, I have seen those people who are worked in our Finance and Accounts department; even they are not serious about it as they believe they don’t have time, it is real for them. They have plenty of valid reasons to prove that […]