You must understand that the PPF account is a useful financial investment avenue that can really help you build wealth over the long term and tax saving tool as well. While investing in PPF, every Indian citizen enjoys its powerful benefits such as a decent rate of return, tax benefits, tax-free interest, loan against the […]
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Author: Suresh Kumar Narula
Have you bought a right financial product?
There are plethora of financial products are being sold everywhere by trusting financial companies and intermediaries while enticing you to invest in them on the pretext of tax savings, retirement planning or children’s education and marriage planning etc. Millions of well-educated people across the world are flawed and perplexed to select right financial products which […]
Know your rights while Claiming Tax Refund & Interest
You must have filed your income tax return while considering the amount of tax deducted at source from your recipients or the advance tax-paid by yourself on his estimated incomes after claiming all deductions and exemptions. Whilst, you may become entitled to claim refund of income tax, if such tax deducted or paid exceeds the […]
Building Tax-Free Capital through PPF for your Children
Every parent is naturally concerned about building a capital for his or her children, which would go to ensure meeting their financial commitments for higher education, marriage, settlement in life, etc. Barred from equity, one of the major stumbling block in investing in any financial instrument, which provides that any income is required to be […]
How to deal in Debt Mutual Funds with the recent changes?
Over the years, mutual fund houses and financial advisors have been actively promoting and advising on debt mutual schemes, as a better alternative to bank fixed deposits because these were offering double indexation benefit as to be taxed at a lower rate. Apart from benefiting from indexation, debt schemes are, often invested for short-term purposes, say, 1-2 […]
How can get the better value of Medi-claim Policy?
There is a general reluctance to buying Medi-claim policy, those who are healthy, see an expense while paying health insurance premium as wastage of money. In other words, they are, perhaps waiting eventuality of a well-known fact medical hospitalization which often results in the uninsured family falling into a debt trap which arouse them to […]
It’s time to Cross-check to avoid Income Tax Scrutiny and dreadful notice!
Are you biting relaxed to file your income tax return on or before due date? i.e. 31St July, thanks to talk of taxing season has been over. But it’s time to rethink and cross-check you were filed income tax return such as did you choose right ITR form, had you added all the income and […]
Investing is a very much Personal Plan! Do you agree?
People often asked me questions like, “I have Rs10,000 to invest. What do you recommend I invest in?” And my standard reply is, “Do you have a plan?” Last week, I encountered with a decent man who wanted some investment advice. He described himself as: “I am 40 years old. I have a good job, […]